City Mark - Transport Operator Award

City Mark – Transport Operator Award

What is a City Mark Award

A City Mark Award is given to a Transport Operator for demonstrating a level of best practice that goes beyond just being able to tick boxes to say a process has been implemented or being followed. We are looking for exemplars of best practice in transport management and policy implementation, effectively a role model in Transport Operations that goes the extra mile.

Applying for a City Mark Award

To apply for a City Mark Award you must be able to provide clear evidence that your Transport Operations are safe, effectively managed and demonstrate progression within the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS). This can include a wide spectrum of initiatives involving your fleet, drivers and commitment to achieving best practice across your operation to become a role model for other transport operators.

Transport Operations

To demonstrate that you have established safe and effective Transport Operations you need to be in a position to explain and evidence a range of areas fleet management areas specifically covering the areas listed below.

Effective, safe and progressive Transport Operations includes:-

1. Demonstrating your strategy to get from Bronze to Silver and onto Gold Membership of FORS

2. Explanation of your Fleet Strategy to move towards safer and more direct vision vehicles.

3. The training and development of all your staff not just drivers.

4. Implementation of best practices that have reduced collisions or bent metal insurance claims.

5. Customer satisfaction data from your clients or community road safety initiatives supported.

6. Operates vehicle’s that deliver to a City of London Construction Site/s.

Your submission should consist of:

- An Executive Summary – up to 250 words

- Supporting text and a case study up to 6 pages

- Supporting images, diagrams or charts up to 4 in total

Your submission documents should relate directly to the above headings including additional material that demonstrates why you are exemplars of best practice in this area Transport Operators should aspire to.

Your nomination should be sent to:

City Mark Awards
FAO Sheila Moules


Click here to download supporting documentation


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